State Rep. Greg Markkanen, Republican Vice Chair of the House Committee on Elections, today opposed a self-serving political stunt by Democrats who want to move Michigan’s presidential primary elections up to February starting in 2024.
“Moving our state’s presidential primary does nothing to benefit voters or help local clerks,” said Markkanen, R-Hancock. “In fact, this will lead to a logistical nightmare for clerks.”
Senate Bill 13 would move Michigan’s presidential primary from the second Tuesday in March to February 27, 2024, and to the fourth Tuesday in February in each presidential election year after 2024. The change could disenfranchise roughly half the voters in Michigan, and is being driven by Democrats in a shameless attempt to gain an advantage for the governor and her presidential aspirations.
Markkanen said the following: “As a result of the change, roughly half of Michigan voters would be penalized. Due to rules that cannot be changed, the Michigan Republican Party would lose the majority of the delegates to the national convention. Instead of the 72 delegates the state had at the 2020 Republican National Convention, the number of delegates representing the voices of Michigan’s Republican voters at the national level would fall to 13 in 2024.
“We hear from Democrats about working together to solve problems for families, but this one-sided measure shows where their true priorities lie. Instead of helping students catch up in school or expanding access to mental health services in the U.P., they’re hurrying a bill through the legislative process that only serves their own political ambitions.
“This is bad policy that will only hurt Michiganders and local clerks, while providing the governor a leg up on her competition.”
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