Michigan House Republicans
Slagh urges West Michigan residents to voice concerns about ‘endless emergency rules’
RELEASE|May 10, 2021
Contact: Bradley Slagh

New website collects public comments regarding MIOSHA proposal

State Rep. Bradley Slagh today announced an opportunity for Michigan residents to voice their concerns about the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (MIOSHA) request to make emergency pandemic workplace rules permanent.

Slagh encourages Michigan residents to log on to https://gophouse.org/posts/whitmeremergency to fill out an online form and send their comments directly to MIOSHA leaders.

“I’ve received many calls already from employers and workers who are very concerned about this proposal and I certainly don’t blame them. The notion of indefinite emergency rules is ridiculous, unnecessary, and will be a detriment to Michigan job providers,” said Slagh, of Zeeland. “While I support any legislative efforts to push back on the administration’s proposal, this website provides a way for Michigan residents to send their comments directly to those within MIOSHA who are leading the charge to extend emergency rules. The more people who share their opposition, the better.”

MIOSHA stated indefinite regulations are needed because “Michigan’s experience with COVID-19 demonstrates that the disease can spread rapidly without protective measures in place” in its official filing with the state’s Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules. Under the proposal, employers would still have to adhere to many directives like requiring employees to wear masks at all times, enforce social distancing parameters and create policies prohibiting in-person work to the extent that work can feasibly be completed remotely, among others.

As part of the proposed rules, MIOSHA could keep these directives in force after emergency orders have been rescinded.

All public comments must be submitted to the website by 5 p.m. on May 26, the day that MIOSHA will hold its public hearing.

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