State Rep. Alicia St. Germaine today spoke on the House floor in favor of a resolution urging the U.S. Air Force to replace A-10 attack aircraft currently stationed at Selfridge Air National Guard Base with an advanced generation fighter mission.
St. Germaine is helping sponsor House Resolution 33, introduced by Democrat Rep. Denise Mentzer of Mt. Clemens.
“I’m in full support of this resolution because it’s vital to work together in a bipartisan way to keep Selfridge strong,” said St. Germaine, during her floor speech. “We need to treat Selfridge as a state asset, not just a local asset. The base is a key component of disaster response for the entire state and vital for our nation’s homeland defense.”
The Air Force plans to divest in the A-10s in fiscal year 2027. The operation of the 21 aircraft at Selfridge is supported by 611 personnel, including 246 full-time employees, with an economic impact of $44.5 million annually to our state.
“I can tell you that it’s an absolute privilege to have Selfridge in the 62nd House District,” said St. Germaine, R-Harrison Township. “The sound of jets overhead is the sound of freedom, and I’m happy the resolution was formally approved by the House with bipartisan support. Let’s make this happen.”

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