Michigan House Republicans
Office hours in Coopersville, Ravenna, Kent City
RELEASE|May 8, 2023
Contact: Luke Meerman

State Rep. Luke Meerman (R-Coopersville) invites residents to attend his monthly office hours in Coopersville, Ravenna, and Kent City in May.

Local office hours are an opportunity for residents to meet one-on-one with their state representative, Luke Meerman, to discuss issues affecting the state, ask questions about state government, and request assistance with issues they are experiencing. No appointment is necessary, and all are welcome to attend.

May office hours will be held on the following dates:

  • Saturday, May 13 from 8 to 9 a.m.at the Delly Belly Bakery located at 288 Main St. in Coopersville
  • Monday, May 22 from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Ravenna Round Table located at 12396 Stafford St. in Ravenna
  • Saturday, May 27 from 8 to 9 a.m. at Red Rock Grille located at 228 N. Ball Creek Road NW in Kent City

“Meeting with residents and discussing their thoughts and concerns is the most important part of my public service,” Meerman said. “I appreciate those who attend my monthly office hours, and I look forward to sharing news from Lansing and hearing more about the issues affecting our West Michigan communities.”

Those unable to attend Rep. Meerman’s office hours may contact his Lansing office to share concerns at (517) 373-1830 or [email protected].

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