Tuesday, May 2
I voted NO on HB 4250-4252 (Reps. Koleszar, T. Carter and Mueller) would prohibit the holding or using of a mobile electronic device while driving. The bills also increase the penalties for a violation and allows the suspension of a license for multiple offenses. EXPLANATION: While texting and driving is dangerous, criminalizing phone usage, whether for GPS or a call from your job that you cannot miss, is ridiculous. This bill discriminates against those with vehicles that don’t offer hands-free technology. Additionally, many people under this law will try to hide that they are using a device, lowering their head and attention toward their lap and further away from the road, which is simply unsafe.
HB 4250 PASSED: 68-39; HB 4251 PASSED: 66-41; HB 4252 PASSED: 68-39
I voted YES on HB 4201 (Rep. Grant) would amend the Liquor Control Code by removing the sunset on the law that allows on-premises licensees to sell to-go alcoholic beverages. EXPLANATION: This legislation further protects choice in the free market.
PASSED: 102-5
Wednesday, May 3
I voted NO on HB 4238 (Rep. Andrews) would provide $23.3 million for 15 land acquisition and 30 recreational development projects supported with revenues from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF). The MNRTF Board approved these projects in December 2022. EXPLANATION: This is millions of dollars to appropriate more land to the DNR.
PASSED: 95-13
I voted NO on SB 147 (Sen. Geiss) would amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to create protections for elective abortions. EXPLANATION: The government should not have the ability to force private businesses to pay for their employees to murder their children.
PASSED: 56-52
I voted NO on HB 4084 (Rep. Shannon) would amend State Essential Services Assessment by creating a 30-day application window for late-qualifying EMPP exemptions to be filed with the state tax commission for 2021 claims. EXPLANATION: These businesses should not get special treatment. Additionally, if they wanted their special tax benefits then they should have filed correctly and on time like everyone else.
PASSED: 94-14

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