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It is an honor to be representing you in the Michigan House for the 2023-24 legislative term. Keeping the people and communities I serve informed is fundamental to my position as a State Representative and newsletters like these will assist me and my office in these efforts.
Please feel free to read information below on the latest developments in Lansing and what I’m advocating for on your behalf. News can also be found at my official State Representative page on Facebook, as well as through my official webpage.
As always, I invite you to reach out to my office if you have any questions, concerns or ideas.
![Schuette Signature](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/MIHOUSEGOP/2023/01/7025004/4530447/schuette-signature-blue_crop.png)
Bill G. Schuette
State Representative
95th District
The Bill G. Monthly Recap
Hello All,
March was a busy month in Lansing. So, I’ll dive right into my legislative recap.
1) I voted on revisions to the Elliott Larsen Civil Right Act (ELCRA) because there is no place and there is no room for discrimination in Michigan or in the United States of America. What this bill does is codify non-discrimination in Michigan regarding public employment, housing and education. To be very clear, this bill does NOT expand protected classes in the State of Michigan beyond what courts in Michigan have previously ruled. It does NOT allow men in women’s restrooms and does NOT allow boys to play in girls’ sports.
Further, our 1st Amendment religious liberty and freedom protections remain protected under our U.S. & Michigan Constitutions. I do understand the need to fortify and clarify language in the ELCRA regarding religious freedom which is why I worked with faith leaders in Michigan to craft an amendment to reinforce religious liberties and religious freedom. I offered my religious liberty amendment during floor debate on this legislation, but Democrats refused to consider it on the floor vote. I have taken my amendment and enrolled it as separate legislation, which already has more than 30 cosponsors and companion legislation in the Senate. I will continue to work diligently on this issue.
2) I voted to support and retain Michigan’s Right to Work Law. Unfortunately, in an example of extreme irony, Democrats voted to restrict the freedom of Michigan’s workers by repealing Right to Work, endangering our economic recovery and setting our state on a bad track economically. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they also voted to reinstate prevailing wage standards, ensuring that your tax dollars will never go as far as they do in the private sector. Meaning we will be able to fix fewer of the “darn roads”. I voted NO on these bad bills and will continue to oppose legislation that damages our state’s economy.
3) Democrats also voted to send more than half a billion of your tax dollars to a Chinese owned company. I voted NO on this poor use of your state funds, especially after the company representatives could not answer my question in committee: “What would happen to this project if China invades Taiwan next year?” Watch the exchange: here.
4) In yet another stroke of pure irony, the Democrats chose March, Reading Month (!), to lower literacy standards for Michigan’s students and remove the public-school grading system. Lowering standards and eliminating transparency are bad approaches to education. I voted NO and am sad that Democrats are pursuing policies that are failing our children.
5) We celebrated “Sunshine Week” in Lansing, where we recognize the importance of transparency in government. Did you know this is the 5th Sunshine Week in the Governor’s administration and she has not completed a single one of her transparency promises? I introduced legislation to hold her, and all of Lansing accountable. With my Republican colleagues, we rolled out our plan to open the Governor’s office to the Freedom of Information Act and stop the revolving door of lawmaker to lobbyist. I hope everyone can get behind these good governance plans to bring more responsibility and accountability to Lansing.
The best part about being your Representative is serving the people of Mid-Michigan. I was proud to welcome several constituents to my Lansing office this month and I enjoyed reading Woodrow Runs for President to some of the first graders at Calvary Baptist Academy to celebrate March is Reading Month.
Finally, my office and I responded to over 400 calls, emails and letters from constituents this month, thank you to everyone that contacted us. Please continue to reach out with your concerns and opinions or for help with a problem involving a government department or agency.
Rep. Schuette Votes Against Another Massive Spending Bill
State Rep. Bill G. Schuette voted against HB 4016, which spends a massive $1.8 billion in corporate incentives for a planned project. The package calculates to an astronomical cost of $700,000 per estimated job created. The project also relies on collaboration with a Chinese supplier, despite tensions between the United States and China that featured the latter flying a suspected spy balloon over sensitive U.S. military sites in February.
“Once again, Democrats passed a massive spending package of more than a billion dollars in record time without considering the costs to Michiganders. This is not the right approach for our state and the people who help fund state government,” Schuette said. “In our current fraught geopolitical climate, we should not be giving taxpayer resources to a project that relies critically on technology from a company associated with the Chinese Communist Party. We should also examine the cost and return on investment when we commit taxpayer dollars. Spending this much per job is frankly the type of cost/benefit analysis that only makes sense in government.”
Read more: Here
Rep. Schuette: New legislation disregards development for children, parental input
State Rep. Bill G. Schuette voted against a Democrat plan to lower literacy requirements at elementary schools throughout Michigan.
Current law sets children throughout the state on a course for success. It requires an assessment of a child’s reading level, employs possible methods to address any deficiencies and gives parents updates on their child’s progress. The law was crafted with input from teachers, parents and education experts.
Schuette noted the retention aspect of the third-grade reading law has barely taken effect. But Democrats in majority are forging ahead as the state currently ranks 43rd out of 50 states in fourth-grade reading scores.
“Our reading scores in Michigan are embarrassing, we are failing the children of our state.” Schuette said. “It is the height of irony that during ‘Reading Month’, Democrats are voting to lower our literacy standards.”
Read more: Here
Rep. Schuette Votes to Protect Worker Freedom
State Rep. Bill G. Schuette voted to protect the rights of Michigan workers by standing against the repeal of the state’s Right to Work law.
“I believe in worker Freedom. Michigan workers should have the right to decide for themselves whether or not they want to join a union,” Schuette said. “I’ve listened to business owners and job creators in Mid-Michigan and across our state who all know this is a vital part of keeping our state competitive.
“This is a step in the wrong direction for our state and our prospects for economic growth. I am sad to see our state left behind economically while our neighbors continue to grow.”
Schuette also voted against reenacting Michigan’s expensive, anti-competition prevailing wage requirement, noting that it adds to taxpayer costs.
“This is a classic government ‘solution’ to a problem that doesn’t exist,” Schuette said. “Since we’ve repealed prevailing wage, wages in construction have not gone down. Interest, demand and participation in the skilled trades has INCREASED. Simply put, our free market is working just fine.”
The right-to-work repeal legislation is contained within House Bills 4004-05 and the prevailing wage requirement is contained within HB 4007. The plans advanced to the Senate for consideration.
Representative Schuette Stands Up For Second Amendment rights
State Representative Bill G. Schuette voted to protect Second Amendment freedoms by voting no on House Bills 4138, 4142, and 4143. This bill package requires universal background checks for firearm transfers and creates universal firearms licensing.
“These bills will do nothing to stop future gun violence and are a serious infringement on the Second Amendment rights and privacy of law-abiding citizens,” said Schuette. “Adding new unenforceable laws to the books just to ‘do something’ while liberal prosecutors continue to ignore current laws will do nothing to improve public safety.“
Representative Schuette expressed additional concerns on the impact these bills would have on Michigan’s outdoor heritage. “This bill package would make it illegal for a grandfather to sell his grandchild a family hunting rifle to use at deer camp without a background check.” said Schuette.
Representative Schuette will continue supporting proposals to improve school safety, as well as increased funding for community mental health programs to address the root causes of violence in our communities, without violating the rights of law-abiding Michiganders.
Rep. Schuette: Past Time For Sunshine In Michigan
State Rep. Bill G. Schuette unveiled the House Republican plan that will improve Michigan’s lackluster standing on government transparency through comprehensive ethics and transparency reforms.
The plans follow through on a clear call for greater accountability and transparency in government that’s been sent by voters and residents throughout the state. The multi-bill package works in harmony with Sunshine Week – which runs from March 12-18 and promotes greater access to public information.
“Michigan has long been toward the bottom of national rankings for transparency in government. It’s unacceptable and it’s time we forgo this status quo,” said Schuette, of Midland. “These proposals are steps in the right direction. Voters approved Proposal 1 last year and sent a clear message that the people of this state demand greater transparency from their public officials.
“This is the fifth Sunshine Week of the Governor’s administration, but we’ve yet to see her act on any of her campaign promises. House Republicans are done waiting. We are leading the way to deliver this transparency. This is the right move for our state and people we all represent.”
Read more: Here
Rep. Bill G. Schuette Enrolls Legislation Fortifying Religious Freedoms
State Rep. Bill G. Schuette (R-Midland) enrolled new legislation that would fortify religious freedom protections and clarify language in the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.
House Bill 4345 has more than 30 co-sponsors in the House and has companion legislation in the Senate to be introduced by Sen. Joe Bellino (R-Monroe).
“I want to be very clear about what my proposed legislation does. It protects religious-based organizations acting on their sincerely held religious beliefs from being drawn into litigation. It acknowledges religious liberties and religious expression as guaranteed in the Michigan and United States Constitutions,” Schuette said.
The bill would reinforce existing First Amendment constitutional religious liberty protections and provide additional legal clarity for religious organizations after recent revisions to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. It is a standalone, independent version of the amendment that Rep. Schuette offered on the floor during debate on the revision.
“There is no room for discrimination in Michigan or in the United States of America,” Schuette said. “But we should provide clarity to the churches, mosques, synagogues and religious organizations across our state exercising their sincere spiritual convictions.”
The legislation Schuette is spearheading in Michigan would be consistent with numerous other states, including California, New York, Massachusetts and Oregon, which include religious liberty protections in their states’ civil rights laws.
CONTACT REP. SCHUETTE (517) 373-0152 [email protected] www.RepSchuette.com |
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