Republican Floor Leader Bryan Posthumus (R-Rockford) voted against the proposed Democratic budget.
“Democrats gave us all of about an hour to review the largest budget in state history before voting,” Posthumus said. “This wasn’t an accident. This was calculated. They know this is the most bloated budget Michigan has ever seen. They know that it’s full of unnecessary projects, contradicting appropriations and kickbacks for political allies. No wonder people are fleeing, and our state population is cratering..”
Full appropriations in HB 4437 and the supplementary public school budget in SB 173 push total expenditures for the State over $85 billion. This budget would also be 44% than the budget Governor Rick Snyder signed 5 years ago, a growth rate that doubles the rate of inflation of the US dollar over that same period.
“Taxpayers are smart enough to know this math does not add up,” Posthumus said. ” In less than a year of power, the Democratic majority has destroyed our budget surplus of $9 billion, failed to repair our infrastructure or roads, lost thousands of jobs and hundreds of thousands of citizens. They seem determined to lead a much smaller, weaker state despite our best objections.”
Rep. Posthumus and his office can be reached at (517) 373-0830 and [email protected].

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