Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Wakeman: Ramping up protections for victims of domestic violence, stalking
RELEASE|February 5, 2020

State Rep. Rodney Wakeman this week testified on House Bill 5272 before the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee in support of his plan to better protect Michigan residents who are victims of domestic violence and stalking.

The Saginaw Township lawmaker’s legislation would allow individuals who have filed an active personal protection order (PPO) to carry a concealed weapon in a gun-free zone.

“Criminals engaged in domestic abuse and stalking look at the vulnerability of gun-free zones as an advantage over their victims,” Wakeman said.  “Imagine this is your wife or daughter who is being harassed by a former partner going about their normal day, including work, which may be in a gun-free zone. The opportunity for an aggressor to strike with the knowledge they will have little or no resistance from their victims is a real issue.”

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in six women and one in 19 men in the U.S. have experienced a stalking situation in which they felt fearful or believed they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.

Wakeman noted that domestic violence victims are already allowed to receive temporary concealed weapon permits under current law to help better protect themselves. His plan provides even greater protections.

“Simply put, criminals do not obey laws,” Wakeman said. “Rather than leave survivors of domestic abuse and stalking defenseless, we should be pursuing common-sense solutions to deter violent criminals looking to violate a PPO.  This is about further empowering Michiganders who are survivors of abuse and making criminals think twice before violating a PPO and contacting a victim in a gun-free zone,” Wakeman said.

House Bill 5272 remains under consideration in the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee.

PHOTO INFORMATION: State Rep. Rodney Wakeman testifies before the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday.

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