Lawsuit asks court to intervene, restore representative democracy
State Rep. Jason Sheppard said the Legislature today continued its fight to ensure voices of people all throughout Michigan are considered as the state continues to respond to COVID-19 by seeking intervention from the Court of Claims.
Sheppard, of Temperance, said the Legislature was forced to file the lawsuit against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer because she refuses to recognize that her unchecked emergency powers must come to an end.
“The way our state responds to this crisis affects the fundamental rights of every single Michigan resident,” Sheppard said. “That’s why it is incredibly important that the voices of people in every corner of our state are given careful consideration as we move forward. This can only be accomplished by utilizing the legislative process and its inherent safeguards.”
Sheppard said the lawsuit was an unfortunate but necessary step the Legislature must take to ensure the people of Michigan are represented in the decisions being made as the fight against COVID-19 continues and the state begins to safely reopen.
“In no way are we trying to say that this crisis is over,” Sheppard said. “We’re simply saying it’s time to return to our normal legislative process. The Legislature serves as a direct link to the people of Michigan – and the people must have representation when decisions are being made that affect their physical and economic well-being. Requiring the governor to work with the Legislature to determine what is best for our state is good government, plain and simple. That’s why our Constitution has checks and balances.”

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