Rep. Eric Leutheuser today announced the Legislature extended Michigan’s state of emergency – and the gubernatorial powers that come with it – until May 1.
The Legislature approved an extension far shorter than Gov. Whitmer requested. She had asked for the state of emergency and her powers to be immediately extended into mid-June.
Leutheuser said he and the Legislature would monitor the situation closely and would be prepared to further extend the state of emergency if necessary when the time comes.
“Everyone in our great state has a part in helping us get through this pandemic to brighter days ahead,” Leutheuser said. “As your representative in the Michigan House, my job is to ensure the state makes the best decisions possible for the good people of Branch and Hillsdale counties. I could not in good faith support extending emergency gubernatorial powers all the way into mid-June. We simply don’t know what the situation will look like a few weeks from now – let alone 10 weeks from now. It’s best to approve a shorter window now and extend it later if the need is still there.
“The Constitution provides balance through the separation of powers for good reason,” Leutheuser said. “The Legislature is entrusted to hold state government accountable and provide input and proper oversight – and that’s exactly what we are doing here.”
Leutheuser said he will continue to work with the governor and his colleagues in the Legislature to guide Michigan through the COVID-19 crisis.
“Our priority continues to be the health of our residents and doing what we can to lessen the spread of this virus,” Leutheuser said. “We must also work on practical, common-sense ways to address the economic and social consequences of COVID-19. We will emerge from this pandemic, and we must be ready to restart our economy and reclaim our way of life as quickly as possible when that time comes.”
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