Rep. Cole today released the following statement regarding the Michigan attorney general’s recent opinion declaring the newly created Line 5 Tunnel Authority unconstitutional:
“This is an opinion that hits rural Northern Michigan families the hardest. Construction of a $500 million multi-use utility tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac meant good-paying jobs for Northern Michigan workers. It would have lowered their out-of-control energy rates. Now, this flimsy legal opinion has endangered those jobs and the rate relief needed by rural families.
“To suggest that lawmakers weren’t clear on the details of the plan they voted for last December is outrageous. This plan was put forward after months of debate, public testimony and rigorous investigation. There were few issues discussed more publicly than constructing a tunnel for Line 5.
“I will not allow the well-being of hardworking Michiganders to be put in jeopardy while the attorney general splits legal hairs for political brownie points. This is more of the same blatant disregard for the needs of Michigan families outside of the state’s major cities. I will not stand for it. I will defend jobs and rate relief for Northern Michigan families.”

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