Rep. Lynn Afendoulis today joined her colleagues to extend Michigan’s coronavirus-forced state of emergency and the governor’s related powers through the end of April – not until mid-June as Gov. Whitmer had requested.
“This is a fluid situation and has been since Day One,” Afendoulis, of Grand Rapids Township, said after leaving the Capitol at the end of the legislative session. “Yes, the governor needs more time with emergency powers due to this devastating pandemic – but how much more time is unclear. Let’s take it one step at a time and grant emergency powers as needed. Granting 70 more days of unilateral authority is unacceptable – this is something that should be reviewed every couple of weeks based on the latest information available.”
In the meantime, the governor and her administration must do more to help workers and families struggling during mandated business closings and ‘stay home’ orders, Afendoulis said. Fixing the state’s broken unemployment filing system is high on that list. So is revising emergency rules so businesses that could operate safely within social distancing guidelines are allowed to reopen. Allowing landscape companies, nurseries, u-pick agricultural operations, some construction, golf courses and other businesses to operate could protect portions of our economy and help the mental wellbeing of residents.
Afendoulis also stressed that planning must begin to help the state return to normalcy as quickly as possible when Michigan emerges from the pandemic.
“Protecting the health of Michiganders is obviously our top priority, but we must deal with the devastating economic and social ripple effects of this pandemic at the same time,” Afendoulis said.

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