Human trafficking is hiding in plain sight
RELEASE|February 7, 2020

By State Rep. Bronna Kahle

Throughout my life, I have felt a personal calling to fight for and protect the vulnerable. In many capacities within my professional career, including as a small business owner serving those in need of in-home care, in my role as director of the Adrian Senior Center, and with my involvement supporting the Lenawee Walk to End Alzheimer’s, I have had the opportunity and privilege to work with people in need of help and a hand up. In my role as state representative, I continue to act on that calling.

In recent years, I have grown increasingly concerned with human trafficking, which enslaves hundreds of women and children throughout Michigan, poses a threat to millions, and produces countless wounded survivors trying to readjust to normal life after they find freedom.

Many people do not realize human trafficking is happening right here in our state and in our own communities where we live, work and raise our families. It is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the world and is second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of crime, according to the U.S. Department of State. Approximately $87 million is made per day from sex trafficking transactions, which is a heart-breaking and staggering figure.

We must work together and do all we can to protect people from becoming trapped in the industry, help victims who are enslaved in it, prosecute perpetrators, and provide comprehensive support for those who have escaped.

In 2017, during my first term in office, I was truly humbled to have the opportunity to introduce a plan to update sentencing laws to protect victims of human trafficking. A compassionate solution to protect victims and allow them to put the past in the past was deeply needed. The victims of these tragic crimes have suffered enough and should not be punished or imprisoned because of their involvement in trafficking. We should instead be focused on connecting survivors with counseling and support services, so they can transition into life outside of human trafficking and have the opportunity for a fresh start and hope for the future.

On Jan. 31, I was honored to attend the White House Summit on Human Trafficking, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. At the summit, an executive order was signed to expand human trafficking prevention education programs, promote housing opportunities for survivors, and prioritize the removal of sexual abuse material from the internet.

My heart is to help people, particularly those who are unable to help themselves or may need a hand up. I feel drawn to doing what I can to help the women and children enslaved in this dark trafficking industry. I’m inspired to drive forward with even greater energy and a commitment to protect victims, prosecute perpetrators, and prevent the spread of this heinous crime. Human trafficking is hiding in plain sight and we must continue working together to end this evil scourge.


(488 words)

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