House approves Rep. Filler’s plan protecting Michigan seniors from abuse
RELEASE|February 25, 2020

The Michigan House today overwhelmingly approved state Rep. Graham Filler’s plan to protect Michigan seniors from abuse.

Filler, of DeWitt, said over 70,000 older adults in Michigan have experienced some form of abuse, but suspects the number is actually much higher due to instances being underreported. Filler became familiar with the issue of elder abuse during his tenure as an assistant attorney general and has continues addressing the problem as a member of the State’s Elder Abuse Task Force.

Filler’s measure is part of an eight-bill package to add legal protections for adults age 80 and older and increase criminal penalties for individuals who financially or physically abuse elder adults.

“Right now in Michigan, there aren’t enough protections in place for vulnerable seniors or strict enough penalties to ensure people think twice before targeting or taking advantage of Michigan’s aging population,” Filler said. “This is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed.”

Under this proposal, assaulting a senior could result in up to 25 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines while embezzling could result in up to 20 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines, depending on the severity of the crime.

“By putting in place stronger protections for seniors and stricter criminal penalties for people who commit elder abuse, Michigan is sending the message that we protect our seniors,” Filler said. “People who physically, verbally, psychologically or financially abuse members of our aging population will be held responsible for their actions.”

The plan now moves to the Senate for consideration.


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