Michigan House Republicans
House Appropriations Chair Shane Hernandez focuses on roads, education, Great Lakes – without raising taxes
RELEASE|February 6, 2020

Rep. Shane Hernandez – chair of the Michigan House Appropriations Committee – issued the following statement today after the Whitmer administration’s budget presentation:

“The executive recommendation for the state budget renews the conversation with the governor about Michigan priorities such as improving roads, educating our children and protecting our Great Lakes. We will have disagreements, but we will also have common goals to work toward together.

“Our roads plan should work for the entire state – not just parts of it. More must be done for local roads and rural areas, not just state highways and heavily populated areas. Rather than increasing taxes or adding to debt, I believe we should start from the premise that all taxes drivers already pay at the gas pump should go toward road repairs.

“Our education plan should recognize all children deserve an opportunity for success, no matter where they live or go to school.

“Our Great Lakes must be protected. Our health care plan must fight opioid abuse and support access to providers across the entire state, including rural areas.

“All of this can and should be done without asking Michigan taxpayers to pay more money. As always, my focus is on using existing resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to make all of Michigan an even better place to live. I am hopeful the governor will come to the table in the months ahead with that same goal in mind.”



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