State Rep. Steve Johnson today introduced the Defend the Guard Act, which would require Congress to declare war as required under the U.S. Constitution before Michigan National Guard troops could be deployed to a warzone.
“This is not an anti-war or pro-war bill but rather a simple requirement for Congress to do their job for once,” said Johnson. “It is important that we have a declaration of war with a clear mission in place before sending our troops into harm’s way.”
Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution states “The Congress shall have Power… To declare War,” which prevents constant military actions without proper discussion and Congressional authority. Johnson said it is time to support President Trump’s leadership in declaring victory and to end the endless wars by bringing our troops home.
“We have a responsibility to our National Guard troops, but unfortunately Congress has failed to do their job and declare war before deployment,” said Johnson. “It’s time to stand up for our troops, and ensure that our state’s resources are not being spread across foreign lands without official declaration of a foreign conflict.”
House Bill 5320 has been referred to the House Government Operations Committee for further consideration.

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