After getting some help from the Springport 4-H Club, state Rep. Sarah Lightner recently introduced a plan to designate the green darner dragonfly as Michigan’s official insect.
Lightner, of Springport, said members of the 4-H group approached her after realizing Michigan does not have a state insect. She worked with the kids to come up with contenders, ultimately landing on Anax junius, the green darner dragonfly.
“The kids wanted to come up with an insect that fit Michigan’s identity,” Lightner said. “Dragonflies are usually found around water and we’re the Great Lakes State, so we thought it was fitting.”
Lightner said she was pleased to see young people taking an interest in state government.
“This is a fun way to expose kids to the legislative process,” Lightner said. “I plan to keep the kids involved as the bill progresses so they can get a first-hand look at how government works.”
House Bill 4817 has been referred to the House Government Operations Committee for consideration.

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