LANSING, MI – State Representative Pauline Wendzel has introduced legislation that will put Michigan at the forefront in the development and deployment of advanced small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs).
“Michigan has always been a hub of technological innovation,” Rep. Wendzel said. “We currently have the chance to make history by successfully re-powering a non-operational nuclear power plant, becoming the first state in American history to accomplish such a feat. My legislation will ensure Michigan could also be the first state to successfully develop and deploy an advanced small modular reactor. Today, I’m taking action to ensure that we not only lead the nation, but the world as next generation nuclear technology is developed.”
The legislation will provide a tax credit equal to 15% of the taxpayer’s qualified research and development expenses that are related to the design, development, or improvement of advanced small modular reactors and the deployment of activities to accelerate the availability of SMR’s into the marketplace.
The successful development and deployment of SMRs could mean thousands of additional megawatts of baseload generation to a grid that desperately needs it. Additionally, this legislation would attract a highly skilled workforce making Michigan a destination state – bolstering the tax base of local communities throughout the state.
“Per capita, Michigan employs the highest number of engineers in the country,” Rep. Wendzel said. “We have the talent, and we have the capability. Now we need to put our foot on the gas to develop this safe, clean, and reliable form of energy.”
As new nuclear technologies are developed, states like Texas and Tennessee have already taken action to position their states as leaders in this developing field. Rep. Wendzel’s legislation will add Michigan to the list of national leaders.
Rep. Wendzel concluded, “We can compete with and beat these other states. Let’s do it.”
House Bill 4753 was introduced today and is expected to be referred to a committee later this week.
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