Michigan House Republicans
Vote Explanations | Week of June 12
RELEASE|June 17, 2023
Contact: Rachelle Smit

BILL PACKAGE HB 4495 & 4496:  Would remove many of the current provisions required of DHHS to seek waivers for cost sharing by beneficiaries enrolled in the Healthy Michigan Plan and eliminates the trigger that would cease the program if costs to the state become more than the savings.

Sponsors: Reps. Snyder (D) & Filler (R)
HB 4495 Passage: 80-27 with Immediate Effect

HB 4496 Passage: 83-24 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  Removing the trigger will take away all accountability to try and contain costs of the program and allow it to remain in perpetuity regardless of its cost or effectiveness.

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SB 50:  Adds June 19, also known as “Juneteenth” to a list of bank holidays by amending Public Act 124 of 1865. This list includes days that are to be considered “Sunday” under the law for the purposes of general banking and the holding of court.

Sponsor: Sen. Santana (D)
Passage: 105-4 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: Commemorating the emancipation of slaves promotes freedom and a sense of community.

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HB 4457:  Designates June 19 as “Juneteenth”.

Sponsor: Rep. Scott (D)
Passage: 105-4 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: Reflecting on the meaning of Juneteenth helps ensure the preservation of liberty and justice for all Americans.

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BILL PACKAGE HB 4191-4194:  Amend the Michigan Vehicle Code.

Sponsors: Reps. Aiyash (D), Brabec (D), Edwards (D), McFall (D)
HB 4191, 4192, & 4194 Passages: 73-36 with Immediate Effect

HB 4193 Passage: 74-35with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  Opponents of these bills may argue that no change in current law is necessary.

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BILL PACKAGE SB 125 & HB 4153:  Creates a local rail grade separation grant program within the Michigan Department of Transportation and the rail grade separation fund within the department of Treasury.

Sponsors: Sen. Camilleri (D) & Rep. Hill (D)
SB 125 Passage: 93-16 with Immediate Effect

HB 4153 Passage: 95-14 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: There is no currently identified funding source for the program.

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HB 4515:  Would eliminate the sunset on off-road license fees that are set to expire on April 1, 2024.

Sponsor: Rep. Hill (D)
Passage: 79-30 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  State taxpayers should not be additionally burdened to drive their vehicles on public land.

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HB 4159:  Names the black swallowtail as the official butterfly of the State of Michigan.

Sponsor: Rep. Brixie (D)
Passage: 67-42 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  Some may claim that legislative efforts naming state symbols is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

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BILL PACKAGE HB 4173 & 4384:  Would create the Michigan Sentencing Commission within the Legislative Council.

Sponsors: Reps. Aiyash (D) & Meerman (R)
HB 4173 & 4384 Passages: 56-53 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  Another government-funded bureaucracy that duplicates duties and responsibilities of current Departments and commissions is unnecessary.

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BILL PACKAGE HB 4616 & 4617:  Would prohibit mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with a minor. The legislation would also ban any practice or treatment by licensed mental health professionals that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Sponsors: Reps. Brabec (D) & Hoskins (D)
HB 4616 & 4617 Passages: 56-53 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  The child’s parents, in consultation with qualified medical professionals, are better qualified to make important decisions regarding a child’s development, not lawmakers in Lansing.

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BILL PACKAGE HB 4695-4702:  Proposal 2 Implementation Package

Sponsors: Reps. Tsernoglou (D), Koleszar (D), Hope (D), Byrnes (D), Rheingans (D), Morgan (D)

HB 4695-4701 Passages: 56-53 with Immediate Effect

HB 4702 Passage: 62-47 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO:  There’s no need for radical election reform, yet we are doing them anyway. Voters voted for more convenience, but instead they are getting the Wild West when it comes to election security.

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