As you may be aware, this past week, the House considered some very consequential legislation. Below, I have provided my vote record on these bills and a brief explanation for each vote.
NO on House Bill 4016 – This bill represents yet another attempt by Michigan Democrats to spend $1.8 billion in taxpayer money on a corporate welfare project seeking to build a new Ford battery plant in Marshall, MI. Already, this project has been estimated to cost the state approximately $700,000 per job created, and most of the new jobs will pay roughly $41,000 per year. Despite the incredible costs imposed on the people of Michigan by this bill, no hearings were held on the bill in the House. HB 4016, therefore, is yet another example of Democrats hastily abusing the legislative process in order to ram through their corporate welfare agenda at the expense of the Michigander taxpayer. I voted NO on HB 4016.
NO on House Bills 4006 and 4032 – These bills repeal Michigan’s 1931 statute protecting unborn children in our state and remove the performing of an abortion as a punishable offense under Michigan’s criminal law code.
This legislation further denigrates the sanctity of life and leaves women in danger of harm. We know, with the results of the last election, where the unborn child stands in Michigan. As father of 8 children and a grandfather of 14 grandchildren, I could not support the repeal of Michigan’s pro-life law that has stood for nearly 100 years, even during the 49 years of Roe v. Wade. Under these bills, the unborn child enjoys practically no safeguards under Michigan law. Whatever protections may have been left in place by Proposal 3 are nullified by these new bills. As a procedure designed specifically to bring about death, abortion is not healthcare. Human life must always be cherished and protected, especially at its most vulnerable stages. I voted NO on HBs 4006 and 4032.
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