I voted NO on HB 5378 & 5379 (Rep Prestin and Rep Hill), which is legislation to expand the fuel tax reciprocity from 30 to 50 air miles. I voted NO because the conversation we should be having is lowering our fuel tax so gas is cheaper and more truck drivers buy their gas in Michigan instead of fueling outside of the state and having other states share tax revenue with us.
HB 5378 passed 98-5
HB 5379 failed 53-45
I voted NO on HB 4927 (Rep Arbit), a bill to designate April as Chaldean American Month. I voted NO because adding a ton of state holidays for every group begins to wear out the specialty of a state holiday.
HB 4927 failed 53-44
I voted NO on HB 5527 & 5528 (Rep Fitzgerald and Rep T. Carter), a bill to require AEDs in every school and every coach to be certified in CPR. I voted NO because there are numerous private sector options, and we have a hard enough time finding quality coaches. Adding additional requirements hurts those chances. Instead of the government being the solution, schools should participate more with the private sector.
HB 5527 passed 55-29
HB 5528 passed 55-41

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