State Rep. Pauline Wendzel and Rob Cleveland of the Cornerstone Alliance testify in support of Rep. Wendzel’s Michigan Competitiveness package.
LANSING, MI — State Rep. Pauline Wendzel has been appointed to four House committees as she begins her fourth term in the Michigan Legislature. Rep. Wendzel will serve as Chairwoman of the House Energy Committee. She will also retain her position as a senior member on the House Regulatory Reform Committee and serve as a member of the Communications and Technology Committee and the Rules Committee.
House committees review all legislation related to their areas of interest and make recommendations on whether the full House should take up bills. Committee chairs determine when bills are heard, run committee meetings, and organize informational hearings to help lawmakers and the public understand critical issues.
“The lights don’t stay on because of good intentions,” Rep. Wendzel said. “Michigan’s energy future must be built on reliability, affordability, and innovation. Demand isn’t going down—it’s going up, and we cannot afford to gamble on restrictive mandates or wishful thinking.”
Rep. Wendzel continued, “rather than handcuffing our energy future to arbitrary government mandates and subjective timelines written by California billionaires, my committee will do its part to expand Michigan’s—and America’s—energy dominance across our entire portfolio. We will work to increase reliability and lower costs for hardworking Michigan families, seniors, and small businesses.”
Rep. Wendzel expects the committee to take early action on the bipartisan nuclear package, which inexplicably languished throughout the entire 102nd Legislature. She also anticipates action on grid reliability and efforts to restore the voices of thousands of rural Michiganders by returning the siting authority of large-scale wind and solar projects to local residents rather than unelected and unaccountable Lansing bureaucrats.
Rep. Wendzel concluded, “Our job is to build an energy future that is reliable, affordable, and innovative. We’re committed to creating an energy landscape that powers Michigan’s success, providing stability and opportunity for generations to come.”

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