Legislator: Bills would bring tremendous opportunity to Downriver area
The House Energy Committee on Tuesday advanced a bill from state Rep. Jamie Thompson and others as part of a bipartisan package that will create jobs, spur development and further position southeast Michigan as an energy leader.
House Bills 4124-29 provide tax credits for small modular nuclear reactor research, development and power use while creating grant programs so advancements in nuclear and hydrogen research can be made in Michigan.
“Nuclear energy has been a part of how our state and our region generates electricity for decades,” said Thompson, pointing to the Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant located in Monroe County within her House District that provides clean energy for over one million homes and businesses across the area. “We are seeing a consistent demand for reliable, cleaner energy sources as our state continues to grow and new industries emerge. We can meet this demand and lead the way with innovation through these bills. This is a transformational opportunity. It would truly be a huge game-changer for our area, and I’m excited to be a part of these plans.”
One of the largest barriers for nuclear energy generation is cost. Constructing a nuclear plant is expensive and requires large up-front investments, suitable sites and a workforce that can put together custom-made components for a facility.
Thompson’s plan will fix these issues. Advanced small modular reactor technology is still under development and working closer to wide-scale commercial deployment. With the legislation, Michigan can create high-paying manufacturing, construction and engineering jobs while drawing significant investments.
“There is currently a race for where a lot of these advancements are ultimately going to get researched and housed, especially with these types of reactors having appeal for commercial uses,” Thompson said. “With our state’s manufacturing heritage and nuclear engineering programs at the University of Michigan and Monroe County Community College nearby, we already have an outstanding foundation in place for these reforms. This would be a massive step forward for our region, and I’m hoping with bipartisan support we can get these bills to the governor’s desk.”
Thompson’s bill, HB 4127, defines advanced nuclear reactor technology within state law and ensures it follows federal definitions. Still in development, these reactors have been designed to be smaller and more affordable to build and operate than conventional nuclear power plants. Advanced reactors could ultimately be used to replace retired coal power plants and produce carbon-free electricity. Because of their increased efficiency and cutting-edge safety systems, advanced reactors can take less water to cool than their larger, traditional counterparts while producing less waste that ultimately needs to be safely disposed.
HB 4127 now moves to the House for consideration after being advanced unanimously by the House Energy Committee, which Thompson serves on.

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