Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Steele: House passes radical energy plan kneecapping families
RELEASE|November 3, 2023
Contact: Donni Steele

State Rep. Donni Steele stood up for Michigan families by voting against a radical green energy plan being pushed by Democrats in the House. Passed along party lines, Steele said the bill will force unreliable, unsustainable, and expensive energy sources on Michigan residents.

The legislation cripples local control by giving the Michigan Public Service Commission – a three-member board appointed by the governor – the sole authority to permit large solar and wind construction. They’ll have the ability to litter Michigan’s landscape with solar and wind projects with no constraints.

“This package kneecaps Michigan families already reeling from inflation with higher energy bills and constant risk of blackouts,” said Steele, R-Orion Township. “House Democrats know the public and energy experts don’t support this radical agenda that has already failed in other states like California. Instead of working collaboratively to improve our energy grid, they’re subverting local control to accomplish their twisted Green New Deal.”

An expert analysis projects that average monthly electric bills could nearly double under the legislation, and California, which adopted similar mandates in 2018, has seen rate increases dramatically outpace national increases. California has also started to backtrack on its energy mandates after widespread blackouts and brownouts.

Each of the bills were ultimately approved by the House along party lines. House Bills 5120-5123 now advance to the Senate for further consideration. Senate Bills 271, 273 and 502, the clean energy mandates, will soon be presented to the governor for her expected signature.

“The power already goes out every time the wind blows,” Steele said. “This packages forces Michigan into an unreliable, unhealthy relationship with energy sources who have proven incapable of producing reliable energy. These bills cripple manufacturing businesses and the future of industry by forcing reliance on energy sources incapable of meeting their high demand. Under these bills, its lights out Michigan.”


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