Governor’s Signature Effectively Keeps Rollback In Place
LANSING, MI – Rep. Donni Steele (R-Orion) celebrated the income tax rollback coming thanks to the 2015 law put in place by House and Senate Republicans that would take effect when government took too much money in. Republicans in the Legislature at the time put this in place as a measure of relief.
“Working families and small businesses are going to get the relief they deserve thanks to this important rollback,” said Rep. Donni Steele. “I’m very proud to have worked with my colleagues to ensure the rollback stays in place, creating a tax cut that will help everyone across the board. Small businesses will win too, as they’ll be seeing a measure of relief at a time they need it most as they continue to recover from the pandemic. This isn’t a one-time deal, it’s a lasting type of relief that everyone needs – especially during a tough economic environment where inflation continues to wreak havoc.”

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