Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Schmaltz: Local arts get boost from Michigan Arts and Culture Council grants
RELEASE|September 24, 2024

State Rep. Kathy Schmaltz today announced that several local organizations and municipalities in her district have been awarded grants through the Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC).

The grants, totaling more than $150,000, will provide essential funding to support arts, culture, and historical programs in the Jackson and Chelsea communities.

“These grants reflect the incredible talent and rich cultural history we have in our local communities,” said Schmaltz, R-Jackson. “I’m thrilled to see such significant support going to organizations that work tirelessly to enhance arts and culture in our area.”

The following organizations and municipalities have been awarded MACC grants:

  • Friends of Grass Lake Township – $3,900
  • Jackson District Library – $27,000
  • Jackson Symphony Orchestra Association – $39,450
  • Lost Railway Museum in Grass Lake – $7,000
  • Ballet Chelsea – $26,109
  • City of Chelsea – $26,500
  • Purple Rose Theatre Company in Chelsea – $22,593

“The arts play a vital role in fostering creativity, education, and community engagement,” Schmaltz said. “These grants will provide vital resources to help these organizations continue their important work. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this funding will have in our communities.”

For additional information about MACC programs, visit www.michiganbusiness.org/industries/macc.


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