State Rep. John Roth on Wednesday voted against House Bills 4139-41 that would create “safe storage” firearm laws in Michigan.
“Democrats again swiftly ushered through vital legislation without giving lawmakers the opportunity to carefully review its’ content,” said Roth, of Interlochen. “While there are aspects of safe storage I would support, there are competing House and Senate bills, and the ins-and-outs of each have not been made clear to us legislators. My colleagues and I must be given adequate time to read through legislation in order to make educated decisions.”
“Michigan is facing a genuine crisis, as we’ve seen a large uptick in violent crime in recent years,” Roth said. “These bills do nothing to address the root cause of such brutality. Instead, these bills aim to create a one-size-fits-all government mandate that dictates how lawful gun owners store their firearms, and micromanage responsible firearm-owning families.”
If these bills become law, practices like keeping a gun in your nightstand could become punishable as misdemeanors and felonies of varying severity. More arrests and convictions would increase demand on law enforcement, court systems, community supervision, jails, and correctional facilities – which are already stretched thin in Northern Michigan.
Roth concluded: “I will always be an advocate for responsible gun ownership. All firearms should be stored safely in a location that’s inaccessible to children and others not authorized to use them.
“Michigan already has effective laws on the books that can be used to punish those who act recklessly with a firearm or endanger their children. We must use these, rather than micromanage responsible, law-abiding gun owners. The bills create a blatant unconstitutional restriction on rights currently guaranteed to all Americans in the Second Amendment. I will fight this measure every step of the way.”
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