Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Rigas leads on school safety, mandatory reporting for schools
RELEASE|March 18, 2025
Contact: Angela Rigas

State Rep. Angela Rigas (R-Caledonia) today introduced a school safety bill to require time-sensitive mandatory reporting for incidents submitted to OK2SAY. OK2SAY, Michigan’s school safety program, operates a tip line intended to confidentially report violence, criminal activity, or potential threats occurring in schools. House Bill 4258 would require tips submitted to the line to be reported to the school or school district, local law enforcement, and any other appropriate authorities within 24 hours of receiving the tip.

“This is a much-needed change,” Rigas said. “The safety of our children is an absolute priority. We can’t afford to let potentially life-saving tips go unanswered or lost in the system.”

Rigas’ bill is part of a larger school safety package proposed by Michigan House Republican. Other bills in the package provide additional school safety funding, put tip line information on student ID cards, and improve active shooter drills. Rigas believes these are key steps the legislature can take to make Michigan schools a safer place.

“I’ve seen real world tragedies when these tips go unanswered,” Rigas said. “These precautions are long overdue, and we owe it to our kids to make sure they feel safe in the classroom. They should know beyond a doubt that if they file a report, it will be addressed, and that there are men and women there to protect them no matter what.”

For more information, please contact Rep. Angela Rigas at (517) 373-1403 or via email at [email protected].


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