State Rep. Angela Rigas (R-Caledonia) is remembering the victims of the ATF raid on innocent civilians in Waco, Texas.
“Thirty years ago, Americans watched in helplessness as a government agency launched an all-out assault on the Branch Davidians of Waco,” Rigas said. “No matter the political or religious views of the individuals, the terrifying siege is a stark reminder of the importance of our Second Amendment.”
The standoff between federal agents and members of the Branch Davidian religious sect at Mount Carmel lasted an excruciating 51 days. Nearly 100 people, including children, died after the FBI and ATF launched an all-out assault on the compound following the 24/7 public humiliation by the news media for the raid.
“Many survivors have spoken out, saying that it all could’ve been peaceful if not for the failures by the ATF,” Rep. Rigas said. “This is a timely reminder that the federal government does not always have the citizen’s best interest at hand.”
Rigas also calls for the abolishment of the ATF; a government organization that has routinely been involved in scandal and other illegal acts, including their most recent declaration that millions of gun owners are now felons due to a sudden rule change.

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