Rep. Angela Rigas today voiced her objections to a plan advancing through the Legislature that would make it illegal for any person under the age of 18 to receive a marriage license in the State of Michigan.
“Forced or coerced child marriage is a disgusting practice, but young citizens near the age of adulthood or in unique relationship circumstances should be allowed to make their own choices together with their parents and families on how to start one of their own,” Rigas said. “I don’t believe the government should have a say in marriage. Period. A 17-year-old getting married to her 19-year-old boyfriend may not be a choice I would make, but it’s one she should have the right to make on her own.”
Under House Bills 4293-4302, it would not matter if parental consent was given. It would now be functionally impossible for a person under the age of 18 in Michigan to enter into a marriage.
“My own parents started my family before my mother turned 18,” Rigas said. “If this law existed back then, our family would never even have a chance to exist. Not every person shares our beliefs. We need to allow for personal choices even if we don’t understand why someone would want to make them. I don’t understand how in the same breath the Democrats in majority can say that children under the age of 18 are wise enough to pursue permanent, gender-altering surgeries or register to vote without parental consent; but are still so foolish we cannot allow them to marry the partner of their choice. It doesn’t track. I find that to be both an abuse of government power and an unfair stigma to place on young people who simply wish to make their own decisions. This is why our youth are leaving this state in droves. Michigan needs to be free.”
Rep. Rigas and her office can be reached at (517) 373-1403 or [email protected].

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