Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Rigas announces a Special Report on Democrat Budget
RELEASE|May 19, 2023
Contact: Angela Rigas

Announcement comes as transparency in Lansing is at an all-time low

Rep. Angela Rigas announced today a report of the State budget that was rammed through the House and into the Senate last week.

Representative Rigas’ budget report is meant to educate citizens and constituents on the current budget lowlights as proposed by the Democratic majority.

“Our most important job as your legislatures is to collect and disperse your tax dollars wisely,” Rigas said. “The budget the Democrats just passed is on the opposite end of reality from ‘wise’ and every single Republican amendment was rejected. This gives us little choice but to take their numbers directly to the public and hope together we can correct their Representatives before it’s too late.”

The Report shows unnecessary spending citing hundreds of millions allotted for expensive retrofits to public vehicles and a devastating lack of funding for school safety in the education budget. The $9 billion State surplus would also be whittled down to under $300 dramatically reducing the “rainy day fund” of the Nation’s tenth most populous state.

“There is disagreement and then there is danger,” Rigas said. “This budget is dangerous. If passed, the economic consequences will crash down upon us before we know it. Our surplus is being drained to almost nothing. Our debts are not being paid down. Our schools remain unsafe. And our roads remain broken. And our House Democrat leadership will not even let us come to the table and have a discussion or debate. This is not a two-party democracy, this is tyranny. And the worst part is, it’s real families who are going to pay the price, literally.”

The full report is available for review and download below:


Angela Rigas is currently serving her first term representing Michigan’s 79th district. She can be reached at [email protected] or +1 (517) 373-1403.

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