Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Prestin: Population council proposals are one big “KEEP OUT” sign for Michigan
RELEASE|December 15, 2023
Contact: David Prestin

Rep. Dave Prestin released the following statement today after the governor’s population council proposed tax hikes to curb population declines. Recommendations include $2.5 billion in new spending without clear methods to increase state funding without raising taxes. Instead of supporting Michigan residents who already pay high fuel and vehicle registration taxes, the proposals also include raising taxes to pay people to move to Michigan and suggest implementing a state-run initiative to provide illegal immigrants with drivers’ licenses.

“These recommendations are going to leave Yoopers seriously considering closing the bridge and exploring statehood,” said Prestin, R-Cedar River. “Grocery prices are high; electric bills are high; Democrats are actively fighting to raise income taxes; and now the governor is using these proposals to rationalize tax hikes and force regular people to foot the bill for unnecessary new programs. If the governor was serious about encouraging people to move here, she’d lower taxes so people can afford their bills and get government out of the way so people can create successful businesses.”

“This population council just spent millions of taxpayer dollars and seven months to recommend a predetermined agenda that big government advocates have been clamoring for since the governor was first elected,” said Prestin. “It has been a pattern for the governor to use artificial platforms of collaboration to impose her agenda. We saw this with the UP Energy Task Force and at least 8 others task forces or councils she has put together. Expensive new programs, without any sight of a funding source, isn’t a strategy for bringing people to Michigan. We know what people want when they consider moving anywhere. They want a good paying job, to buy a house, and to raise their family in a good environment. These recommendations will do the opposite. They’ll drive businesses out of Michigan, raise housing costs, and continue a wasteful spending spree that hasn’t made any difference for families. This isn’t a strategy. This isn’t a plan. This report is simply an excuse to hike taxes and implement programs to cover up five years of failed leadership.”


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