State Rep. Dave Prestin on Thursday was appointed by Speaker Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, to serve as Majority Vice-Chair of the House Energy Committee. He will also serve as a member of the Natural Resources and Tourism, Health Policy, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committees.
“These committee assignments ensure that I can continue my work tackling issues that are critically important to the U.P.,” said Prestin, R-Cedar River. “I am excited to advocate for affordable and reliable energy, fixing our transportation infrastructure, resolving the staffing crises facing our hospitals and first responders, and restoring common sense to natural resources management.”
Prestin, a licensed paramedic and former business owner, said he’s proud to have received an influential position on committees where he can bring the voices of U.P. residents to the forefront of conversation in Lansing. The second-term lawmaker was first elected to the 108th House District in 2022. His district includes the Upper Peninsula counties of Delta, Menominee, Schoolcraft, Luce as well as parts of Chippewa, and Mackinac.

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