State Rep. Pat Outman was sworn in for his second term as state representative this week. He represents Michigan’s new 91st House District, which includes most of Montcalm County and the Kent County townships of Solon, Cedar Springs, Nelson, Spencer, and Oakfield, as well as the city of Belding and Otisco and Orleans townships in Ionia County.
“It’s time to get to work addressing the issues that matter to the people in our communities,” Rep. Outman said. “This term, I am dedicated to advocating for working families to keep more of their own money amid unprecedented inflation, defending parents who deserve greater involvement in their kids’ education, bolstering public safety, and more. I look forward to continuing to talk with my neighbors about their concerns and ideas.”
Rep. Outman also announced today that he has been appointed to serve as Republican vice chair of the Transportation, Mobility and Infrastructure Committee. He will also sit on the Judiciary, Tax Policy, and Energy, Communications and Technology committees.
Residents can contact Rep. Outman’s Lansing office by phone at (517) 373-3436, by email at [email protected] or by addressing mail to N-1195 Anderson House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48909.
Visit www.RepOutman.com to stay up to date on the representative’s activity at the capital.

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