Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Outman: Michiganders to receive instant relief as the House passes a gas tax suspension
RELEASE|March 9, 2022
Contact: Pat Outman

Rep. Pat Outman today supported a House plan to suspend the state’s tax on gasoline and diesel fuels to provide Michigan drivers with immediate financial relief.

“People in my community are paying well over $4 per gallon of gas,” said Outman, of Six Lakes. “The national average gas prices hit a record high. The cost is still increasing. I hear it from citizens in my community, but I’m not sure our governor understands the severity of the issue. Therefore, the Legislature had to step in.”

The House today passed a gas tax moratorium in the state of Michigan, along with a resolution in support of Line 5. The suspension will last for six months, beginning April 1 and ending September 30. The gas tax pause would remove Michigan’s 27 cents per gallon fuel tax from which the savings are 39 percent larger than savings from pausing the federal fuel tax.

Meanwhile on Tuesday, the governor urged Congress to pass legislation to suspend the federal gas tax.

“Why the governor chose not to address her own state’s gas tax, I do not know,” Outman said. “Better yet, she could have addressed both the state and the federal gas tax. My colleagues and I were elected to provide solutions to real-world problems. The Legislature’s measure today aims to do just that, and provide instant relief to Michiganders throughout the state.”

With the passage of the tax plan out of the House, the plan will now head to the Senate for further consideration.


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