Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Mueller casts key vote for road funding and infrastructure plan
RELEASE|March 20, 2025
Contact: Mike Mueller

State Rep. Mike Mueller (R-Linden) today voted for a comprehensive road improvement plan which would dedicate $3.145 billion toward Michigan’s roads, without any increases to taxes or fees.

“Our residents have been asking for road improvements for a very long time,” Mueller said. “It’s time we deliver new and better roads to the public, without asking them to foot the bill with a tax increase. Our constituents want us to keep our promises, and I intend to do just that.”

The plan, introduced this month by House Republicans, uses existing revenue sources to fund road repair and infrastructure improvement. The plan also replaces the sales tax on fuel so that 100% of taxes paid on fuel go toward road improvement, without any increases in what they pay already. Over $700 million in additional funds would be repurposed to ensure this does not affect school aid funding.

“Drivers won’t see any increase in what they pay at the gas pump under this plan,” Mueller said. “What they will see is an increase in the quality and efficiency of our roads. I hope the House, Senate, and Gov. Whitmer can come together on this bipartisan issue that everyone agrees has been going on for far too long.”

The plan passed the Michigan House Wednesday afternoon. Rep. Mueller’s office can be reached by phone at (517) 373-0840 or by email at [email protected].


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