State Rep. Steve Marino, of Harrison Township, applauded a presentation about the benefits of the Pure Michigan campaign during the House Commerce and Tourism Committee this morning.
Marino, who serves as committee chair, said he strongly supports the campaign because it helps create jobs throughout Michigan.
“I think there’s this misconception that Pure Michigan is only relevant to families north of Saginaw, but that’s just not true,” Marino said. “I want families in Harrison, Clinton and Macomb townships to know they also benefit from this tourism campaign.”
Marino commended Pure Michigan’s Vice President David Lorenz for providing valuable information during the presentation about the campaign and how it positively affects tourism in our state.
“I was impressed when I learned a 2019 Pure Michigan advertisement shared throughout the state and in other states had such a strong effect on people,” Marino said. “Eighty-five percent of people who saw the ad were influenced overall, with more than 50 percent wanting to visit. This is huge for our local economies throughout our state.”
Tourism is Michigan’s third-largest economic contributor thanks in part to Pure Michigan, Marino said, with more than 200,000 jobs created across the state.
Marino has been committed to supporting the campaign, being one of many lawmakers in the Legislature who urged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to restore millions of dollars she vetoed last year.
“It’s unfortunate the governor slashed these funds as part of her ridiculous attempt to push a 45-cent per gallon gas tax increase,” Marino said. “While my colleagues and I fought hard to restore the more than $35 million cut from this vital program, we were only able to restore about half of it.”
Marino said despite opposition from the governor, he remains devoted to the campaign and thinks Michiganders should feel proud.
“All of us are part of something bigger, and that is Pure Michigan,” Marino said. “From the families who boat and fish on Lake St. Clair to everyone who attends the Bassmaster Elite Tournament at Metro Beach or the Selfridge Air Show in Harrison Township, you are key components in making our communities and our state an even better place to live, work and raise a family.”

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