Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Lightner: Governor expects people to keep paying higher taxes, fund new government programs
RELEASE|February 8, 2023

State Rep. Sarah Lightner, Republican vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee, today released the following statement in response to the governor’s executive budget recommendations:

“Today the governor made clear that she expects every Michigan taxpayer to continue paying higher income taxes so she can afford the unprecedented level of spending she laid out for the new state budget. Instead of cutting taxes and putting more money in people’s paychecks, she wants to spend taxpayer money on special projects and new government programs.

“The governor failed to address the state’s most pressing challenges, like paying down debt, dutifully funding pensions, and helping Michigan families cope with the pressure form inflation they face every day. Her recommendations lack real solutions to address the crumbling local roads people drive every day on their way to work and school; help new moms and dads find affordable and reliable childcare; and grant ongoing, long-term relief to Michigan seniors, families and workers, instead of teasing them with one $180 check per married couple.

“The governor’s recommendations are just the first step in the budget process. I expect there to be numerous committee hearings and open conversation on the specific details of her proposal, and I’m looking forward to participating in a transparent process that sheds light on the way public tax dollars are being spent.”


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