Rep. Beau LaFave, of Iron Mountain, today announced a sweeping plan to prohibit the use of a new form of government-mandated identification known as vaccine passports.
The identification would reveal the COVID-19 vaccination status of a Michigan citizen. LaFave criticized vaccine passport rollouts in other states as heavy-handed power grabs that have no place in a free society.
“Vaccine passports are a terrible idea that will only get us access to one ominous place: A totalitarian state where privacy is lost and personal freedoms are a thing of the past,” Rep. LaFave said. “Misguided politicians who support these new forms of identification are stripping away people’s core civil liberties, and we all must come together to stop this abhorrent idea in Michigan.”
In addition, LaFave said some people are not able to get a COVID-19 vaccine due to health reasons, and it’s patently unfair to mandate the vaccine.
“I want to be clear: I support vaccines in general and encourage people over the age of 16 who are concerned about getting COVID-19 to take one of the three vaccines currently available,” LaFave said. “But the government should never try to intimidate and bully people into getting a vaccine. It’s their body, and it should be their choice.”
New York currently has an active vaccine passport program in place, the Excelsior Pass, that will allow patrons of businesses and venues to show digital proof of vaccination or negative test results. The governors of Hawaii and Illinois have also voiced support for vaccine passports, and Hawaii is currently developing a program to be rolled out in the coming weeks.
The governors of Florida, Texas, Utah, and Idaho have passed legislation or executive orders prohibiting the use of vaccine passports.
“I will soon introduce legislation to make it unlawful for Governor Whitmer to implement a vaccine passport program,” LaFave said. “As a conservative, it will always be my belief that government should play a limited role in our lives, and I will always do what I can do ensure my constituents are protected from a vast government overreach.”

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