State Rep. Mark Huizenga on Tuesday voted for a plan to let Michigan drivers renew their vehicle registrations for up to two years.
“This plan will make government more efficient for the people of our state,” said Huizenga, of Walker. “A two-year vehicle registration option will reduce the burden on Michigan drivers, with the one-year registration still available for those who want or need it. Not only will the process provide greater flexibility to motorists, but it will also help reduce transactions processed by the Secretary of State.”
Currently, a vehicle registration in Michigan generally lasts for one year, expiring on the owner’s birthday. House Bill 4117 will give individuals the option to renew their vehicle registrations for two years instead of one. Drivers may continue to choose the one-year registration option.
HB 4026 will enable residents to renew a recreation passport for two years in conjunction with the longer registration option. The passport admits a vehicle to state parks and other state recreational areas.
Fees for the two-year vehicle registration and recreation passport would be increased to reflect the longer validity.
The plan passed both the House and Senate for the first time earlier this year, and the House vote this week was necessary to concur in changes by the Senate. HB 4026 is now before the governor for her consideration, but an additional amendment was made to HB 4117, so the Senate must vote again before presentation to the governor. Both bills received overwhelming bipartisan support.

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