The Michigan House has approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Pamela Hornberger (R-Chesterfield Township) that would authorize the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to transfer Brandenburg Park to Chesterfield Township.
The township owns just part of the park but pays for all park maintenance. The conveyance plan introduced by Hornberger would transfer ownership of the entire property to the township to unify the park and streamline operations.
“Chesterfield Township has been the sole caretaker of Brandenburg Park forever. Considering the park operates at a loss each year, the upgrades the township has implemented are an amazing accomplishment – a new natural shoreline, a splash pad, upgrades to the grounds, pavilions, boat launch and more – all open to the public,” Hornberger said. “Our supervisor and his team worked hard to achieve this conveyance, and I’m grateful to the DNR for partnering with them. I look forward to the governor signing this good, non-partisan legislation, so our township can move forward with more improvements the public can enjoy.”
Michigan law allows state owned property to be conveyed to an entity for public use if the property is deemed surplus by the state. The State Administrative Board must approve the conveyance, and the property may be transferred to an entity for less than market value so long as the property is used for public purposes, which is generally $1.
House Bill 6379 now moves to be considered by the state Senate.

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