Michigan House Republicans

Rep. Mike Harris, seated, is joined by colleagues as he introduces House Bill 4943, which would prohibit an unelected commission from prohibiting lawful concealed carry in the Michigan State Capitol.

Rep. Harris introduces plan to preserve self-defense, rein in overreach of unelected commission
RELEASE|September 7, 2023
Contact: Mike Harris

Bill would let concealed pistol licensees continue carrying at state Capitol

State Rep. Mike Harris on Thursday introduced a plan to ensure law-abiding gun owners may exercise their rights and carry concealed pistols in the Michigan State Capitol.

The Michigan Capitol Commission, an unelected board tasked with managing, preserving and maintaining the Capitol, unilaterally voted this summer to prohibit concealed carry in the building. Harris noted that state law does not clearly authorize the commission to make such a rule.

“Countless Michiganders carry concealed weapons to defend themselves and their families, and unelected commissioners shouldn’t unilaterally take that right away in the Capitol that belongs to the people of our state,” said Harris, R-Waterford. “The Michigan Capitol Commission overstepped its authority and interfered with the individual freedoms of law-abiding citizens — people who have undergone rigorous training and background checks to earn concealed pistol licenses. My plan will reassert the rights of law-abiding Michigan gun owners to carry for self-defense at the seat of our system of self-government.”

Harris is the lead sponsor of House Bill 4943, which would clearly prohibit the Capitol Commission from banning concealed carry at the Capitol for concealed pistol license holders, current and retired law enforcement officers, and the legislators and governor who work in the Capitol. Individuals carrying a concealed pistol would be required to comply with all applicable state laws.

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