State Rep. Mike Harris, R-Waterford, who is a retired police officer, on Wednesday issued the following statement after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s annual State of the State address:
“Gov. Whitmer missed a huge opportunity to stand against left-wing radicals pushing to free dangerous criminals. My Republican colleagues and I have spearheaded bipartisan efforts to strengthen support for our law enforcement officers in communities around the state. I’ll keep working to deliver resources so our police can keep Michiganders safe, and I’ll also hold the line against any attempt by extremists to weaken our justice system and jeopardize safety in our neighborhoods.
“Truly supporting the public safety mission must go beyond the funding for law enforcement the governor mentioned in her State of the State address. Without clearly opposing a radical, backward agenda from her own party, the governor’s rhetoric about supporting police and public safety rings hollow.”
Harris cited radical efforts to severely weaken bail and truth-in-sentencing laws as policies the governor should clearly oppose.

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