Rep. Mike Harris, R-Waterford, scores a run during the legislative charity softball game on Wednesday, June 5, at Jackson Field in Lansing. (Mike Quillinan/Michigan House of Representatives)
Lawmakers raise $34,000 for Ele’s Place as Republicans win friendly game
State Rep. Mike Harris on Wednesday participated in the Michigan Legislature’s second annual charity softball game.
In the run-up to the game, legislators from both parties raised $34,000 for Ele’s Place, an organization with multiple healing centers throughout the state that support children who lost a loved one.
The Republicans won the friendly competition at Jackson Field, home of the Lansing Lugnuts, a High-A Minor League Baseball team.
“This year’s bipartisan softball game was another great success,” said Harris, R-Waterford. “Lawmakers from both sides of the field came together, had some good fun, and most importantly, raised tens of thousands of dollars that will help provide comfort and support to grieving Michigan kids. The Republican team racked up another softball win this year, but the real winners are the young people who will benefit from the good work Ele’s Place does across our state.”
Harris played right field for the Republican team. At the plate, he achieved a base hit and then scored a run, contributing to the team’s 11-2 win.

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