Michigan House Republicans

Rep. Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, front left, stands with Mr. Karl Schook’s social studies students from Schoolcraft Middle School on the steps of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on Tuesday, May 21. The students participated in mock committee hearings during their visit to the Capitol.

Rep. Hall hosts Schoolcraft Middle students participating in mock legislative committee hearings
RELEASE|May 28, 2024
Contact: Matt Hall

State Rep. Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, last Tuesday welcomed dozens of Schoolcraft Middle School students from Mr. Karl Schook’s social studies classes to the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing. The students participated in mock committee hearings, coordinated by Hall’s staff, and they discussed real bills that are currently in the state Legislature.

Rep. Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, addresses Schoolcraft Middle School students in a meeting room at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on Tuesday, May 21. Mr. Karl Schook’s social studies students participated in mock committee hearings during their visit to the Capitol.
Rep. Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, addresses Schoolcraft Middle School students in a committee room at the Anderson House Office Building in Lansing on Tuesday, May 21. Mr. Karl Schook’s social studies students participated in mock committee hearings during their visit to the Michigan State Capitol.
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