Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Green resolution helps bring awareness to brain injuries
RELEASE|March 2, 2023
Contact: Phil Green

An adopted resolution from state Rep. Phil Green declares March as Brain Injury Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.5 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury each year and over 50,000 individuals die as a result of those injuries. In Michigan alone, approximately 58,500 will sustain a traumatic brain injury each year.

In speaking on House Resolution 50 before the Michigan House, Green outlined the physical impairments and a variety of perceptual, cognitive, psychiatric, emotional and behavioral complications from brain injuries. These include memory loss, decreased thought processing abilities, speech problems, seizures and other impacts. He also thanked the many professionals across the state who actively work to help those who have suffered these types of injuries.

“The professionals we have in Michigan, because of the work we have done in addressing this cutting-edge treatment for the brain, have really restored many Michiganders to a life that they can enjoy and move on beyond their injury,” said Green, of Millington. “The therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, aides and attendant care that we have all deserve our gratitude for their dedication to providing support services and enhanced recovery for so many.”

PHOTO INFORMATION: State Rep. Phil Green, of Millington, speaks on House Resolution 50 before the Michigan House on Thursday, March 2. The resolution declares March as Brain Injury Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.

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