Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Friske issues statement on shooting at MSU
RELEASE|February 14, 2023
Contact: Neil Friske

State Rep. Neil Friske, R-Charlevoix, stated the following regarding last night’s shooting at MSU:

“First and foremost, I’m coming at this situation as a proud father of four, not a legislator. I am standing in prayer with the victims and their families impacted by the senseless act of violence at MSU.

“We in the Legislature must work together and have genuine, thoughtful discussion on how to stop violence in our state. Improving school safety can be done with bipartisanship and without infringing on our rights. After months of deliberation with experts in school safety and student mental health across the state, my colleagues are officially re-introducing a bipartisan school safety package that will go a long way to support school safety and Michigan’s students.

“The suspect was recently given a misdemeanor in place of a felony charge he received involving firearms. We must persist on the just penalties and ramifications we appropriately put into law according to someone’s crime. This is a perfect example why we have law and order. Had this man been convicted of the felony, last night’s tragedy could have been avoided. Criminals do not, and will not follow the law.

“Lord, we pray that the victims be in your Heavenly Grace, and that their suffering be ended now and forever. Lord, we pray for willpower and comfort to the families and loved ones affected by this tragedy. Lord, we pray for swiftness and justice, that those in law enforcement may find answers for those grieving. Lord, we pray for forgiveness and healing, through your Holy Spirit, for our community so that we may continue forward. Lord, we pray that times like these bring unity to our people, and tear down the barriers that divide us. Heavenly Father, hear our prayer and lift up those around us and let not their faith dwindle in their hearts. Yours is the kingdom and power and the glory forever. In Jesus’ name we pray: Amen.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

“I encourage anyone affected by this tragedy to reach out to our office and we will get you the support you need.”

Rep. Friske serves the 107th House District, which includes Charlevoix and Emmet counties, as well as parts of Cheboygan, Chippewa, and Mackinac counties.

Friske’s office is located at S-1486 in the Anderson House Office Building. He can be contacted by calling (517) 373-2629, emailing [email protected], or mailing correspondence to S-1486 House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, Michigan 48909.

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