Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Filler, Michigan House approve plan to better support survivors of sexual assault
RELEASE|May 24, 2023

State Rep. Graham Filler today led the House in approving a bipartisan solution aimed at offering more support to sexual assault survivors and strengthening efforts to bring their abusers to justice.

Filler’s legislation is part of an ongoing effort to improve the system in response to shortcomings uncovered by the investigation into assaults committed by Larry Nassar. The latest proposals would improve standards related to the retention of medical records and provide more consequences for those who break the law.

Each of the measures in the plan received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House.

“I stand with survivors of sexual assault and refuse to let their voices be silenced,” Filler said. “When survivors gather the courage to disclose what they have endured, they should never be pressured to keep quiet by those in authority. They deserve a system where their voices are amplified, their pain is acknowledged, and their courage becomes a catalyst for change.”

Filler’s House Bill 4123 prohibits using one’s professional position of authority over another person to prevent that person from reporting criminal sexual conduct or child abuse.

Other measures would require the permanent loss of a medical license for someone convicted of sexual misconduct under pretext of medical treatment, provide sentencing guidelines for physicians intentionally failing to maintain medical records for certain invasive procedures, prohibit schools from expelling or suspending a student who reports being a victim of sexual assault, and require distribution of training materials to mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect.

House Bills 4120-25 now advance to the Senate for further consideration.


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