State Rep. Gary Eisen recently voted for a resolution opposing the growing movement to defund police departments in Michigan and across the country.
Eisen said the resolution, adopted by the Michigan House last week, encourages Michigan communities not to cut funding for law enforcement to appease radical protesters who are calling for police to be defunded or abolished.
“Police officers play a vital role in our communities,” said Eisen, of St. Clair Township. “They look out for the wellbeing of our families, answer the call to serve whenever we have an emergency, and deter criminals. Failing to provide proper funding for law enforcement would be a dangerous mistake.”
The movement to defund police has gained steam in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and other instances of police officers using lethal force. Eisen said taking resources away from police departments is not the answer. In fact, it would likely make the problem worse. For instance, less funding would be available to hire well-trained officers in good standing as law enforcement agencies compete with one another in the hiring process.
“We can’t forget that the overwhelming majority of our local officers are trustworthy and reputable people who put on their uniforms each and every day because they’re committed to protecting our communities and helping our families, friends and neighbors,” Eisen said. “Many police departments are barely scraping by with the funding they have now. Reducing their funding would likely end up hurting many of the people who need protection most.”
Copies of House Resolution 277 will be sent to the Michigan Townships Association, Michigan Municipal League, Michigan Association of Counties, Michigan Association of Mayors and Michigan Association of Township Supervisors.

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