Michigan House Republicans
Rep. DeBoyer blasts “bill of goods” sold as Proposal 2 implementation
RELEASE|June 14, 2023
Contact: Jay DeBoyer

State Rep. Jay DeBoyer today voted against advancing plans that rush through critical elections reforms without consideration for Michigan’s elections system and those who oversee the process.

Instead of simply implementing new requirements that were contained within Proposal 2 during the November 2022 election, House Democrats passed bills that put election security at risk, weaken signature verification and create different parameters for early voting across Michigan.

“If this package of bills was simply implementing Proposal 2 and respecting the will of the voters like Democrats are claiming, I would be in favor it. But that is not what these bills do,” said DeBoyer, of Clay Township. “This is taking a mile after being given an inch, and it’s creating additional questions regarding the effectiveness, integrity and workability of our elections process instead of addressing questions that are already there.”

DeBoyer spent 12 years as the St. Clair County clerk before coming to the Legislature. Both Republican members of the House Elections Committee – DeBoyer and state Rep. Rachelle Smit – have significant experience overseeing elections, but DeBoyer said neither were approached to collaborate on the plans.

“If this was truly about getting the best product into law and improving our elections system, you would think a pair of legislators with almost 20 years combined of experience in this area would be beneficial compared to other legislators on our committee who have no experience in this area,” DeBoyer said. “These bills highlight a lack of understanding regarding election process, policy and implementation. The committee had six months to work on this. The end result is a hastily rushed process that works to benefit one party and will only further erode trust in our institutions.”

DeBoyer proposed multiple amendments as the bills went through the House Elections Committee that work to secure state and local elections. The amendments included ensuring the framework for online absentee applications remained within the scope of the state Constitution, requiring election inspectors from different parties to be present if ballot container seals are broken and restoring requirements for video monitoring to ensure processes are being followed. These amendments were not adopted by Democrat majority.

The plans now move to the Senate for consideration.

PHOTO INFORMATION: State Rep. Jay DeBoyer speaks on elections reforms before the Michigan House on Wednesday, June 14.

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